Gir Cow

Gir cow is present in almost every country today. Among foreign countries, Brazil is the country where Gir cow is found the most. If we talk about where the Gir cow was first found, then let us tell you that this breed was first found in the Gir forests of Gujarat. This breed is named Gir after the name of this Gir forest.

What is the identity of a Gir cow? People often keep looking for the answer to this question, so we have prepared information for you about every aspect related to the identification of a Gir cow, on the basis of which you will be able to identify a pure Gir cow.

  • Gir's forehead: The forehead of the Gir cow is quite large and appears slightly circular, like an inverted pan.
  • Gir's Eyes - The eyes of a pure Gir cow are very small and beautiful. Looking at them, it seems as if Gir has applied kajal. Apart from this, looking at it, it may also seem as if the forehead has covered the eyes.
  • Ears - You will find the ears of Gir to be quite long and hanging downwards. Along with this, if you look at the end of the ear, that place will look like a hook.
  • Horns - Gir's horns will be seen coming out from behind the ears and while coming out, they will be seen slightly bent towards the back and going upwards. Their bend will be somewhat like a frying pan or a bowl.
  • Hump ​​- The high hump of a Gir cow can be seen as its main identity. The higher the hump, the purer the cow will be.
  • Galkambal - Galkambal is the skin hanging from the neck of a native cow. Gir cow also has it and it is very soft.
  • Colour - Gir cow is also identified by its colour. It is mostly reddish brown in colour and has white markings on its body. Along with this, sometimes it can also be seen in golden colour, which is considered to be the best Gir. Along with this, Gir can also be in white or black colour. White Gir is called White Kapila and black Gir is called Black Kapila.
  • Udder - The udders of Gir will be a little thick and the front udders will be a little longer and the rear ones will be a little shorter. The distance between the four udders will be equal.
  • Tail – This should match the body color and reach the ground.
  • Skin- Gir cows can also be identified by their skin. Their skin is very shiny and soft.
  • Weight- The weight of a Gir cow is between 350 to 450 kg. Whereas the weight of a Gir bull is between 540 to 650 kg.
  • Height of Gir - The height of Gir cow is slightly higher than a medium sized cow. Generally the height of Gir can be up to 130 cm. Whereas the height of Gir bull is up to 135 cm.
  • Gir cow has the capacity to give more milk than other breeds present in India. Gir cow can give 15 to 20 liters of milk in a day.
  • 97 percent A2 protein is found in Gir cow milk
  • It is said that the milk of Gir cow has gold like properties.
  • 4.5 to 6 percent fat is found in Gir cow milk.
  • Gir cow gives birth to a calf for the first time at the age of three years.
  • Gir cow lives only for 12 to 15 years.
  • Gir cow has very good immunity against diseases.
  • Gir cow can give birth to 6 to 12 calves in its entire life.
  • The price of Gir cow milk is up to Rs 250 per liter in the market.
  • Gir cow ghee is sold in the market for up to Rs 5000 per kg.
  • A Gir cow can give milk for more than 300 days in one lactation.
  • Dung and urine of Gir cow are also used.

Gir is a breed of indigenous cow found in India. But there are four types of Gir cows that you can usually see. We are giving their information .

  • Ordinary Gir cow which you can see in white color with radius brown. Gir cow of this color is seen the most.
  • Swarna Kapila: This is one of the rarest types of Gir cow. The colour of this Gir is completely golden. From the hoofs to the eyebrows of this Gir, everything is golden in colour. Common people also know it by the name Swarna Kapila.
  • You can also commonly see white Gir cows. This cow has less radius red colour and more white colour. Red spots are visible on the cows of this breed.
  • Krishna Kapila: This cow is completely black in colour and hence it is also known as Krishna Kapila. Let us tell you that like the golden Kapila, this cow is also rarely seen.

We all have heard about the benefits of cow's milk since childhood. But very few people know that the milk of Gir cow found in India also has golden properties. The benefits of Gir cow's milk are seen on overall health. Apart from this, many questions arise in the minds of many people about Gir cow, such as, how much milk does a Gir cow give, Gir Cow MilkHow much does one get per liter and what are the benefits of Gir cow milk. We are giving you the answers to all these questions in detail below.

  • The benefits of Gir cow milk can be seen in increasing the intelligence of children.
  • Gir milk improves the immunity of a person and reduces the risk of diseases.
  • 8 types of proteins, 6 types of vitamins, 21 types of amino acids, 11 types of fatty acids, 25 types of minerals, 16 types of nitrogen compounds, 4 types of phosphorus compounds and 2 types of sugar are found in Gir cow milk.
  • Omega 3 fatty acid is found in Gir milk which is beneficial for the human body.
  • Gir cow milk contains 97 percent A2 protein which helps in preventing many dangerous diseases.
  • Some people are seen asking the question that how much fat is there in the milk of Gir cow, so let us tell you that there is 4.5 to 6 percent fat present in the milk of Gir cow.
  • It is believed that anti-cancer elements are found in the milk of Gir cow, which prevent cancer from occurring in the body.
  • Gir cow has the capacity to give 30 to 80 liters of milk in a day.
  • It is said that anti-aging properties are also found in Gir milk. However, no research has been done on this till now, so it cannot be said how true this is.
  • Gir milk is rich in calcium, which helps in the development of bones and strengthening of teeth.
  • Up to 6 grams of protein is found in Gir cow milk, through which the benefits of Gir cow milk can be seen in fulfilling the daily demands of the human body.

Gir cow ghee, derived from the milk of Gir cows, a specific breed native to India, is highly regarded for its numerous health benefits and culinary properties. Here are some of the key benefits:

Rich in Nutrients:

Gir cow ghee is known for its high nutritional content. It contains essential fatty acids, antioxidants, vitamins A, D, E, and K, and butyric acid, which supports digestive health

Supports Digestive Health:

Ghee from Gir cows is rich in butyric acid, which has anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. It promotes a healthy digestive tract and can help alleviate digestive issues.

Boosts Immunity:

The antioxidants in Gir cow ghee help boost the immune system, protecting the body against infections and diseases.

Promotes Heart Health:

Contrary to common misconception, ghee from Gir cows, when consumed in moderation, can actually contribute to heart health. It contains conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which may help reduce bad cholesterol levels and lower the risk of heart disease.

Enhances Mental Clarity:

Ghee is considered a sattvic food in Ayurveda, promoting mental clarity, focus, and overall brain function. The nutrients and fatty acids in Gir cow ghee support cognitive function.

It is very important to have some basic information for Gir cow rearing. Let us tell you that Gir is a native breed of cow which has good immunity, but if there is negligence in their maintenance, they can get many diseases and their productivity can also decrease. Let us know what things should be kept in mind while rearing Gir cow.

Living place of Gir cow:

In Gir cow rearing, first of all a shed should be constructed. Along with this, there should be proper arrangement of Gir's food and clean drinking water inside the shed. If many animals are to be kept at one place thencattle shedThe expansion should be done properly. Along with this, there should be a system for disposal of dung and urine of the animals in the cattle shed.

Care of Gir calves after delivery:

with the birth of a calfAlso, the sticky substance present around its mouth and nose should be removed. Apart from this, if the calf is having trouble breathing, then the animal should be made to breathe by pressing its chest. Along with this, the navel should be tied at a distance of 2 to 5 cm from the calf and the cord should be cut. After this, the navel should be cleaned from around it with the help of one to two percent iodine.

Gir cow is one of the most milk yielding breeds of India. If a cow of this breed isright diet in right amountIf given this, its milk production also increases and it also remains safe from dangerous diseases. What should be fed to a Gir cow or what is the food of a Gir cow? We are giving information about this below. By the way, let us tell you that those who rear Gir cows should also know this.

Feed mixture:

To prepare 100 kg, you have to prepare the grain mixture by mixing 40 kg wheat or maize porridge, 25 kg gram and green gram flour, 10 kg cottonseed cake, 1 kg salt, 22 kg soybean flour and 2 kg mineral mixture and give 1 to 1.5 kg to the goat daily.

balanced diet :

If a Gir cow is giving milk, then its diet should include 25 to 30 kg of green fodder and 5 to 7 kg of dry fodder. Apart from this, the animal should also be given at least 40 liters of water daily.

Essential nutrients for Gir:

Gir needs elements like protein, minerals, vitamins, calcium and phosphorus along with the diet. It should be checked when the animal is lacking in what and based on this, these nutrients should also be given.

Whenfall pregnancy stageIf the animal is pregnant then it is very important to make some arrangements related to its care. How should one take care of a pregnant female? We are giving you detailed information about this

  • The goat should be given a diet rich in salts and proteins during pregnancy.
  • Digestible protein, calcium and phosphorus must be given in the seventh month of pregnancy. Information about its quantity should be sought only from a veterinarian.Calcium deficiency in cowsTo prevent this from happening, he must be given calcium carbonate.
  • A pregnant animal should never be kept in a noisy place.
  • When the cow becomes pregnant, major changes in its diet should be made only on the advice of a veterinarian.
  • Milking of the cow should be stopped 60 days before its delivery.
  • A pregnant cow should not be kept with many animals.
Heat Cycle of Gir Cow:

The heat cycle of Gir cow comes after 18 to 21 days and it lasts for 20 to 36 hours. That is, this time is the best for impregnating a Gir cow. On the other hand, if Gir has given birth to a calf once, then after deliveryCow Heat CycleIt comes after 45 days and only then the cow can be made pregnant again.

In how many days does a Gir cow give birth to a calf? :

Many people have this question in their minds that in how many days or years does a Gir cow give birth to a calf. Let us tell you that a Gir cow becomes an adult only when it is three years old. Therefore, a Gir cow is able to give birth to a calf only after it is three years old. And after giving birth to a calf once, this process can continue for 8 to 10 times. That is, a cow can give birth to a calf only 8 to 10 times in its entire lifetime.

Gir cow is a very milk yielding breed of cow. But their productivity depends on many factors. In such a situationhow to increase milk production of gir cowWe are giving you the answer to this question in detail below.

Diet or food to increase milk production of Gir cow:

To increase the total milk of a Gir cow, it should be given a balanced diet. It should include green fodder, dry fodder, oil cake, soybean, and calcium-rich diet. Through this, the milk diet of Gir can be increased. Apart from this, if the total diet of the cow increases, then the milk of the cow can also be increased through this.

Feed mixture to increase milk production of Gir:

To increase the milk production of Gir cows, the amount of grain mixture in their diet can be increased. For this, if the fat content in cow's milk needs to be increased, then the dry fodder of the animal can be increased.

Supplements for Gir Cow:

Sometimes the cow is not able to give the right amount of milk due to stress or heat stroke. In such a situation, to deal with this problem, you may have to give some supplements to the cow like calcium gel, Him Shakti, milk feed etc., but keep in mind that these supplements should be given to the animal only on the advice of a doctor.

Gir cow has good immunity, but sometimes due to negligence in diet or lack of timely vaccination, the cow falls prey to dangerous diseases. In such a situation, we are giving you information about what can be the prevention and treatment of these dangerous diseases below.

Streptococcus disease in Gir cattle, treatment and prevention:

diphtheria diseaseThis is a dangerous disease, if it is not treated immediately, it can even cause the death of the cow. This disease spreads mainly during monsoon. To prevent this disease, the animal should be vaccinated every 6 months. In case of the disease, antibiotics named sulfadimidine, oxytetracycline and chloramphenicol should be given to the animal.

Foot and Mouth Disease in Gir Breed, Treatment and Prevention:

This disease also troubles the animal during monsoon. To save the animal from this diseaseVaccination should be done before monsoonAnd during monsoon, the animal should not be left to graze in the open. In case of this disease, the animal should be cleaned with water of neem and peepal leaves three to four times a day. Apart from this, the animal should also be washed with phenyl water. For mouth ulcers, mix 1 gram alum in 100 ml water and wash the animal's mouth several times a day.

Mastitis disease in Gir cow, treatment and prevention:

Mastitis is one of those diseasesDue to which the dairy industry has to suffer huge financial losses every year. When this disease occurs, the entire treatment process is done by a veterinarian. To prevent this disease, the milk of the animal should be checked from time to time, the udders of the animal should be checked, do not use the thumb while milking the animal.

Vaccines to be given to Gir:

After 6 months of birth of Gir, it should be given its first vaccination against Brucella. After one month, get vaccinated against foot and mouth disease and anthrax, then after one month, the animal should be vaccinated against foot and mouth disease. When Gir becomes an adult, deworming should be done every 6 months. Apart from this, before dehorning or dehorning Gir, consult a veterinarian.

Deworming of Gir Cow:

Be it a Gir cow or any other breed of cow, every time the animal must be dewormed a few days before getting it pregnant. If deworming is not done, it becomes difficult for the animal to get pregnant. If you want to get your animal dewormed, there are many medicines available in the market through which this can be done. But keep in mind that animal deworming medicines should be used only on the advice of a veterinarian.

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